Rome Statute is a symbol of appreciating the status of the individual liability, also an integral presentation of internal and international individual criminal liability. 《罗马规约》标志着个人刑事责任在国际法上得到了正式的认可,也是各国国内刑事法律和国际刑事法律相融合的一个表现。
It has two academic components, i.e., philosophy and jurisprudence, from the liability-imputing basis of the international criminal liability of individuals. 从个人国际刑事责任的归责基础来看,它有哲学和法学两个方面。
The Nuremberg trial and the Tokyo trial held after the World War II got rid of the restriction of domestic trial, made history for individual international criminal liability, and laid the foundation for establishing a stable international criminal trail system. 二战后进行的纽伦堡审判和东京审判,摆脱了国内审判的羁绊,开创了个人承担国际刑事责任的先河,为建立稳定的国际刑事审判体系奠定了基础。
From the international point of view, the features of the punitive damages in the ancient society include: ( 1) solving the criminal liability by means of civil way. ( 2) Be aware of the function on deterrence of the punitive damages. 从世界的角度加以观之,古代社会中的惩罚性赔偿呈现以下特点:第一,刑事责任采用民事手段解决;第二,古代社会已经开始注意到惩罚性赔偿的威慑的作用。
When those PMC personnel with the legal status of civilians breach the international law while providing contracting services, they shall be responsible for their own acts and bear corresponding international criminal liability. 在提供合同军事服务中具有平民地位的PMC就应该为其违反国际法的行为负责,而承担个人的国际刑事责任。